The tempest /
O'Connor, John
The tempest / editor John O'Connor - Edinburgh, Harlow : Pearson Education, 2004. - 209 páginas ; 20 cm. - Series Longman School Shakespeare .
0582848660 9780582848665
Shakespeare, willian, 1564 - 1616 - libros de lectura
Shakespeare, willian, 1564 - 1616 - teatro
822.33 / T282
The tempest / editor John O'Connor - Edinburgh, Harlow : Pearson Education, 2004. - 209 páginas ; 20 cm. - Series Longman School Shakespeare .
0582848660 9780582848665
Shakespeare, willian, 1564 - 1616 - libros de lectura
Shakespeare, willian, 1564 - 1616 - teatro
822.33 / T282