TY - GEN AU - Ayazo Gutiérrez,Elsy Sofia AU - García Pineda,Katerine AU - Moreno Barragán,Jhon Alexander AU - Uribe Agamez,Juan Gabriel TI - Reconociendo mi visión: propuesta innovadora para el fomento de la Perspectiva Temporal Futura de estudiantes de grado once PY - 2024/// CY - Sincelejo PB - Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR KW - Diagnóstico educativo KW - armarc KW - Visión imaginaria KW - Proyecto de vida KW - Perspectiva temporal futura KW - Innovación educativa KW - Desarrollo profesional N1 - Trabajo de grado; Barnett, E., Spruijt-Metz, D., Unger, J. B., Rohrbach, L. A., Sun, P., & Sussman, S. (2013). Bidirectional associations between future time perspective and substance use among continuation high-school students. Substance Use & Misuse, 48(8), 574-580. https://doi.org/10.3109/10826084.2013.787092; Barrera-Hernández, L. F., Corral-Verdugo, V., & Fraijo-Sing, B. S. (2020). 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Este enfoque surge de un diagnóstico realizado en la Institución Educativa Rural Siete Vueltas, sede San Juancito, mediante una encuesta que reveló la necesidad de espacios pedagógicos que permitan a los estudiantes explorar sus sueños y visualizar su futuro. La metodología de evaluación de esta propuesta es mixta, considerando tanto enfoques cualitativos como cuantitativos, incluyendo instrumentos psicométricos, observaciones en el aula y entrevistas en profundidad. Esta intervención ofrece una valiosa oportunidad para trabajar con los estudiantes en la construcción de su proyecto de vida, ayudándolos a comprender cómo el pasado, el presente y el futuro se interrelacionan. Es fundamental reconocer que el futuro no es solo un destino, sino el resultado de las acciones y metas que se establecen. En este sentido, el aula se convierte en un espacio clave para fortalecer la visión de futuro de los estudiantes, ayudándoles a construir un camino sólido hacia sus aspiraciones, basándose en las lecciones aprendidas de su experiencia pasada y presente; In many educational contexts, it is common for 11th-grade students to be uncertain about their future. In some cases, although they seem to have clarity, their decisions limit their potential for future development. This challenge is linked to the lack of a well-defined life project, a concept related in scientific literature to the Future Temporal Perspective. To address this issue, an innovative intervention has been designed with three key steps: recognizing the reason for being, formulating an imaginary vision, and creatively representing this vision as a present future. This approach stems from a diagnosis conducted at the Rural Educational Institution Siete Vueltas, San Juancito campus, through a survey that revealed the need for pedagogical spaces that allow students to explore their dreams and envision their future. The evaluation methodology for this proposal is mixed, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including psychometric instruments, classroom observations, and in-depth interviews. This intervention offers a valuable opportunity to work with students on building their life project, helping them understand how the past, present, and future are interconnected. It is crucial to recognize that the future is not merely a destination, but the result of actions and goals set. In this sense, the classroom becomes a key space to strengthen students' future vision, helping them build a solid path toward their aspirations, based on the lessons learned from their past and present experiences ER -